Sunday, November 25, 2018

Oriya Pride Hurt By Satire

The committee also recommended to the House to direct the state government to provide material to Mitra to educate him about the art, culture, history and the people of Odisha.

One can't see how a cultured people with a rich history that they know of and are proud of can be so easily offended. If you treat your history so sacrosanct you probably have very little to be proud of. May be most of it is just false pride, either out of not much of a great history or simply an ignorance about it, which likely implies a terrible present. I would expect all this to correlate highly with an inability to digest satire and a tendency to get easily offended.

Brand Thackeray

Enough can't be said about the Thackeray brand. First the Madrasis, then the Biharis, and now crusaders for the Ram mandir for crores of (many starving) Hindus.

Ram certainly enjoys devotees that must be his neighbors' envy.

Ram Ram!

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Religious man's God lacks a sense of humor and so does he

Turns out that a really funny post (I had read it but am too lazy to look for a link to it) is supposed to have hurt religious feelings. So a person can't get anticipatory bail.

Religious people have clearly little sense of humor and are way too sensitive. They are also the most easily offended by funny takes on godly abodes and their Gods. I guess for that they must blame God. Once their sentiments are hurt, their acts are all acts of (their own) God. I hear that the buildings are relieved that this time the hurt didn't resort to karseva.

Oh, and thank you CJI, for destroying the possibility of any humor other than the one in which a hairy man dresses like a woman.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The patriotic termites

That is how the patriotic president of the BJP speaks. Such speech must be a part of Amit Shah's patriotic duty. This is in fact he displaying good behavior and therefore not fulfilling his patriotic duty to the best of his ability. Of course, his patriotic duty is to stay in power at all costs.

In other news our defense minister Sitharaman is proud that the Indian army is decapitating enemies. An ordinary sane person may think that shooting and killing would suffice to protect the nation and the soldier's own self and his mates. One would also hope that soldiers would be put in such life threatening situations only very rarely and hopefully never at all.

Turns out that the defense minister knows better and that we must go further and be barbaric and cut heads off. Else, we wouldn't be doing enough. I pity the poor soldier, if any, who has been driven to such a state where in he/she has no compunction of decapitating the enemy soldier or terrorist. Such a soldier would need help.

Of course, our minister is sad that such cut heads are not being put on display for evidence. Cut heads and surgical strikes must be milked for votes and TV appearances after all.

I just can't understand how our ministers go back to their families after a typical day of disgraceful and detestable conduct.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Matter of faith!

Call your own self patriotic, abuse the rule of law, act like the most barbaric of kings whose acts you claim to be undoing, say it is all about faith and for the hundreds of crores (many starving), and keep celebrating since. What a shame. Dec 6 must have been a sad day for the Indian flag and anyone who cared any bit for the rule of law and therefore the nation.

All in the name of the great Lord Rama. Not sure if Rama was such a great leader, how he could be in favor of such a flagrant abuse of the rule of law.

His human followers, often the self-proclaimed patriots, clearly have no qualms.

The latest example of how we still talk of building the temple when what we must talk about is the abuse of the law:

I suggest that instead of a temple, we make a monument that records in detail how the rule of law was abused on the day. Just the actual events. We should allow access to all the speeches that preceded the event, recordings of the event itself, all those who got killed for no rhyme or reason, and all those who have celebrated since and/or can't still stop celebrating. At least that way the future generations can judge for themselves. Hopefully, more of them than us will stand up for the rule of law.

Friday, September 07, 2018

Lynching is injurious to health

Given the key role lynching has played in taking lives in this country for at least a century and given the sudden spurt in lynching, I suggest that the Govt. of India set up a committee that comes up advisories educating us the sheeple on the harms of lynching. We could start with crappy resolution audio and video public advisories that flash "Lynching is Injurious to Health" may be with a bovine in the background.

We should mandate that cinema theaters show these soon after sheeple are done standing for the national anthem. This looks like a good time to educate them on the harms of lynching, notwithstanding, for example, the often stated benefits of bovines saved as a result of humans being lynched.

Of course, given the awe inspiring talent at the top, GoI we will be able to come up with lines more interesting than "Lynching is Injurious to Health".

In the mean time, we should invest in bovine biometrics. Just like Aadhaar can find a lost child, so can BB find a lost bovine.